The Lent Diet

Okay, I know, I know. It's an obession, but here is a few more quizzes I found.

I'm a Fire Spirit


This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!

i'm grape flavoured!

Today is the first day of Lent and Jess and I hit it hard. No more sweets at all and I'm getting rid of junk food too. No more pizza. No more ordering out. It just isn't going to happen. We're hitting the grocery tomorrow for some more fruit and salad and I'm getting pretzels. Pretzels are allowed.

I'm a little stressed about the rooming situation for next year. I made a deal with Beck that if she stayed this semester, I would move to New Village with her. But now I don't want to. I've never really wanted to, but I've spent a little more time over there now and I just don't want to do it. I don't think I can do it. I hate that place and I would dred it and yeah, maybe I would get used to it, but still I would never be all that happy there. And UTC place is just two dollars and fifty cents more a semester and its a hundred times nicer and there are full sized beds and celing fans and dishwashers.

I'm willing to pay two dollars and fifty cents more for that. And the walk really isn't any longer. This of corse means that if I do this, I can't study abroad next year, because I have to sign a nine month lease. Which I'm getting okay with. I can still travel with UHON and there is my senior year and as well, there is always grad school.

I know it's kinda wussy of me to put it off like this, but I'm going to. I WILL travel out of the country(more than just my cruise to Cozuamel) before I graduate and there is always a summer program. I don't know. I hate hassels and this all seems like such a hassel.

I need to talk to Beck, I wish she would come home.

Tonight I went Bowling with Cass and Avalon. Yes, I still suck. It's been ages, around a year even, since I've gone. And I'm pleased to say that my long abcence from the sport has not lessend my bowling abilites in anyway. I'm still completely horrible. Well not completely. Sometimes have have fabulous frames, but they are kinda cancled out by the frames, where I only get one.

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